
Search For/ Using Method Example
Single word
Enter the word as spelled.
To Search: asylum
Enter: asylum
Compound words (combinations of two or more adjectives or nouns)
Enter all words in the correct
order; no punctuations or
symbols needed.
To Search: high commissioner
Enter: high commissioner
Contracted words (word or words omitted or shortened by punctuations)
Enter the core word and
include the asterisk symbol (*)
before it to be sure .
Search: asile (french word) which
is often contained in d'asile or l'asile
Enter: *asile
Enter the contracted word as
Example: d'asile
Enter: d'asile
Operators (AND,OR)
Enter the words and insert AND
in between each word. This
results to a list of documents
containing all words.
Example: documents containing
both words asylum, refugee
Enter: asylum AND refugee
 the words and insert OR
or a comma (,) in between each
word. This results in a list of
documents containing at least
one of the specified words.
 Example A: documents containing
either of the words asylum, refugee
Enter: asylum OR refugee
Example B: documents containing
any one of the following - transition,
Enter: transition OR resettlement OR